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  1. 5 × 12

  2. √81

  3. 8
  4. √-25

  5. 5.5
  6. Solve for y.
    4y+2 ≥ 4

  7. y ≥ 2
    y ≥ 1
    y ≥ .5
    y ≥ 1.5
  8. The duck went up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man, running the stand,"Hey, got any grapes" and the man said, "No, but I have lemonade." If the man was selling just lemons, and each lemon costs 2 dollars, and the duck wants 10 grapes, and 1 grape costs 50 cents, How many lemons would the man running the stand have to sell in order for the duck to recieve 10 grapes.

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