Froggy Newsletter - Week 01/08/23 - 01/14/23

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Local Shop Gets Shut Down Due to Rat Infestation

Written by Victoria Kilgore, published on January 8th, 2023

This weekend the local grocery store, Ronnie's, was shut down by health inspectors. Concerns on Facebook spiked the investigation. After the surprise health inspection, the store was shut down until further notice. Locals have something to say about it. Mary, a former worker at Ronnie's, told us, It used to be clean and well-kept until new management came in and changed the way things were. That's when I quit and the place has just gone downhill.

It seems there is speculation that Ronnie's new management is inexperienced with upkeep. George West, a regular shopper at the store, has more to say on this issue. I started seeing suspicious droppings all over the place, it was disgusting. I had never seen anything like it before. On the Durand Town Facebook page, more people have commented on the feces that's been seen around the store. This has lead us to the conclusion of a rat infestation.

Yes. You read that right. A rat infestation. People who liked going to this grocery store must go elsewhere due to the sudden shutdown. Unfortunately, in such a small town, they don't have many options and must travel out of the way. With gas prices still on the rise, this isn't an affordable choice for many. This gives room for a new grocery store to open in Durand, and it would be very popular. We will update the people as soon as we know more.

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Big Actor from a Small Town

Written by Vector James, published on January 11th, 2023

Jamie Leo is the next big thing! She's a huge voice actor from Durand Michigan, our town! She has worked very hard to get where she is and she started out in the middle of nowhere. We interviewed her today and here is what she has to say to anyone who is deterred from following their dreams. Do what you love! No matter where you're from you always have a chance to get out of a small town and move on to somewhere that offers bigger and better things. Even if you're working a nine to five job, you can always find time to work on yourself and to be your best self! It's truly inspiring when you see people from your tiny town succeed and become big in the world.

Watch Jamie Leo's next big movie, A Trip to Niagra Falls, which is the sequel to the movie UP. A Disney Pixar Animation! Would you believe it? Someone you grew up with becoming a huge voice actor, and who knows? Maybe she can become more than a voice actor. Jamie leads us to believe that we will be seeing more of her in Hollywood!

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Protesters Angry Over Books

Written by Madison Dunson, published on January 12th, 2023

This just in we have people gathering around the town library to complain about books? One protester has something she'd like to say. As a woman in America, it is my duty to make sure the future generation doesn't get negative thoughts about past generations. They should look up to their ancestors, rather than feel ashamed of them. While this protester is quite adamant, we also thought we should hear the librarians point of view as well. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. If we don't learn what our ancestors did, how do we ensure that we don't make the same mistakes? When you're a kid you must learn the stove is hot by putting your hand on it. We don't want to repeat history. We don't want to start over.

These protesters are planning on going to the next city council meeting to defund the library. No matter what side your on, make sure you come to the board meeting to make your voice heard. The people represent this town and that means all the people represent this town.

For more information on the books people are banning read this report from

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